Think Spring!
Everyone’s heard of springtime in Paris but I live for the season of rebirth in my good old New York City. I love going out onto these NOMAD streets and seeing the people. Notice how we’ve all suddenly got that bounce back in our step? Look around! Everyone is so alive. I just smile and think, “Yeah! Go get it, divas!”
Spring here has certainly sprung and everybody can feel it. Everything looks so sexy! The flowers ooze sexy, the clouds scream sexy and the streets are full of energy because it’s that time of the year again. Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation. Nature opens up, revealing all her blooming splendor, lush greenery, that all-enveloping sense of vitality. Let us feed off this vibe of renewal and optimism! Let’s revel in the season for new beginnings and fresh starts.
The world beckons us to get out into the streets again, take a stroll in the park, look up and embrace the sun. The fresh air and sunshine provide a natural boost to the body and the mind. That’s why it’s a great time to start a new workout routine, get fit, feel healthy and refresh our look. There’s an instinctive urge for change in the spring; whether it is for color or cuts. It’s the season for newness, rebirth!
A great way to feel your best during spring is to focus on self-care. This is the perfect time to switch up your beauty routine or explore a fresh new look. Being sexy is feeling sexy! So saunter on over to the safety of the Clean Beauty Lab and let us help you find that look that will allow your spring-y new self to shine through. Then you can go flaunt it and embody the vigorous energy of regeneration that spring unleashes upon us.
Look out all you birds and bees!