In Tune with the Moon
March is one of my favorite months, because so much is happening, a month of changes, of saying goodbye to Winter and hello to Spring. This week we are completing the last moon phase of the astrological year. On March 20th, the vernal equinox marks the beginning of Spring, as well as the beginning of a new astrological time. And starting March 21st we embark on a new moon phase that puts us on the path to a fresh year of new experiences.
The moon unites us. This glowing orb in the night, mysteriously reflecting the sun’s light back at us, is deeply revered by many cultures, ancient and modern – whether East, West, Indigenous or African, we are all fascinated by it. As much as we become technological beings, there is no doubt humankind has a profound relationship with the moon, both physically and symbolically. The new moon, and especially the equinox, is a representation of new life and light, new beginnings, fresh pathways and a time to plant seeds.
The moon is always there for us, making us feel safe, grounding us. It reminds us where we are. That’s part of why we give it such symbolic force. Watching its phases, we humans are reminded of the cyclic nature of life, that we are connected to the rhythms of the cosmos. The moon’s cycle of disappearing and reappearing naturally represents rebirth. The moon has also been long associated with growth and fertility. It helps us mark time, since it is a very reliable calendar, guiding cultures from ancient times through the millennia. The moon is sacred. It is spiritual.
We all know that the moon is connected to the tides and closely watched for agriculture. Farmers know how the moon can affect their crops, selecting certain moments for planting and others for harvest. Cutting bamboo or wood at full moons gives it more strength and reliability. Across cultures it is associated with death, life, and resurrection. The full moon is a circle, symbolic of wholeness and strength, of hope and enlightenment. For Buddhists, the moon represents spiritual strength. In Arab and Muslim cultures, the moon figures prominently.
Now the vernal equinox is upon us, marking the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator, the day that both day and night are of equal length. In the coming days, which also coincide with the new moon, we have VERY GOOD THICKENING DATES for March 20 and 21. The entire first phase of this new moon is good for stimulating growth and obtaining thicker, fuller hair. March is also a good time to start laying the base for this year’s hair goals. So get in tune with the moon and come pay us a visit at Clean Beauty Lab for a fresh cut or a new style! Hope to see you soon!